Monday 29 June 2015

Waterloo Battle Day - Part Four ...thanks Von Peter!

Another view of La Haye Sainte on fire - we had a flashing LED in there for effect!

A few more photographs of action at the re-fight before the final post showing off some of the participants and thanking all and sundry! 

An earlier title to this blog entry prematurely pronounced it as Part Five however the eagle eyed Prussian Kiwi Von Peter spotted my deliberate error and won the spot quiz. Well done Peter and a suitable prize is being prepared as I correct, I mean, change back, the title!!

A view of the 6th Dragoons and Old Nosey!

I do like Teddy Bear fur but these wheat fields do look very good on the table.  Need to make up a few more methinks!

Hovels La Haye Sainte. 

I do know that there is an increasing school of thought that in reality the buildings we place on the tabletop are not to scale and are far too big a footprint when compared to our battalions and regiments etc. 

I don't care really about that - I just want what looks good in my opinion.

French advance up earlier in the battle.

On the other flank we have support on the attack on La Haye. 

Time for some rations Marty?

Lovely Perry sculpts - mixture of plastic and metal.

Looking down the table on the "La Haye" table.  Much consternation on both sides.

The Kings German Legion under Ompteda manouvre in support

"Please God don't let me roll anymore double 1's!"

French columns under Quiot

The ridge line with assorted paraphenalia

Hope I haven't used this shot before - I do like it though!

One more post to go folks so hang in - a couple of nice ones hopefully as well!

Sunday 21 June 2015

Waterloo Battle Day - Part Three

Close up...the strains of "Command" are starting to show!

A few more happy snaps of action from the 28mm General De Brigade table for D'Erlons attack.

With La Haye still under attack the French continue the assault on Mont Saint Jean
7th Hussars await the order to advance.  Old Foundry figures but still stylish.

Jacquinots Light Cavalry Division - Lancers.

Chasseurs a Cheval and Horse artillery make up the rest of the formation.

I think I would veer away as well with a trumpet blowing in my ear!  Front Rank Household cavalry
figures - Life Guards at the ready.

KGL Light Infantry advance past La Haye Sainte to support their countrymen in the garrison.

More French pour into the assault on the allied right flank

The overview of the allied left flank.  In the centre the Scots Greys charge to glory!

The French 102nd Regiments 1st battalion is hit by Bens charge.

One of the highlights of the day was a charge by the Scots Greys (who else!) from the Union Brigade.  The French had been given Best's Hanoverian's a hard time on this table and the Dutch of Bylandt were also on the receiving end.

Ben, playing Ponsonby, managed to hit a battalion in column.  He rolled the most wonderful of dice in General De Brigade, a double six.

The enemy are routed, the dice deem the colours are captured and the work I spent on this vignette to have it
finished just the night before all seems quite worth it.  Well done son, unlucky Andrew.

The colours are secured and taken to the rear.  Not the French 45th as in actual history of the battle, but good
nevertheless for the British and their allies! 

Bylandt is pushed off the ridge as the Highlanders prepare to counter attack under Pack.

The Union Brigades success forces the French into squares.

French artillery superiority during the battle was marked.  Brigadier Alex indeed shot well.

Forced into an uncontrolled charge the Scots Greys become isolated and a wonderful artillery target!

On the allied right flank the Household Cavalry move up to support La Haye Sainte.

More to follow later in the week.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Waterloo Battle Day - Part Two...

Napoleon, feeling well and in good form, and his entourage look on at events unfolding.

A few more shots in this instalment of the battle unfolding on both tables.

When would the Union Brigade be released?

Where were Milhauds' and Watiers' Cuirassiers?

Does Jacquinot realise that French light cavalry are as rare as hens teeth now that Grouchy has them all chasing Prussians?

Prussians...mmm...where are they?

Far away one hopes as long as you speak with an outrageous French accent!

Through the wheat fields towards the ridge line.

The Scots Greys.  Would this battle provide them with a chance to shine as they did historically?

Stalwarts and an old friend.  Life Members Dave and Mike welcome back Mike W for the day.  Great to see.

The Devil and his apprentice in action.  Phil and Young Alex look to break the British around La Haye Sainte.

Orders are written, received and , hopefully, acted upon.
We insisted on written orders denoting exact objectives, maps if necessary so that there could be no confusion over who was meant to do what, where and with whom.  Worked very well even though I had to be politely firm on occasions.

Advance scouts and staff from Milhaud look on as a courier flashes up from the rear HQ.

A view from one of Quiots Divisional Battalions under Charlets command.

Donzelots troops advance upon Bylandt 

A view from the British lines towards the French positions.

British Life Guards await orders to manouvre

The bombardment of La Haye takes it toll on both troops and bricks!

Not just Napoleonic's in the case but the entire eclectic view of what we game at the NWS.  Always popular
with the youngsters.

Hanoverian Foot artillery in support of Best's Brigade

The French continue their advance

Too nice not to include.  A Perry French farrier set takes care of some couriers horse shoes.

Cookies lovely French legere advance

Painted those French Wargames Foundry Artillery decades ago.  Good to see them on the table
again with some fresh supports!

Did I mention the Dutch Belgians were copping a heck of a lot of artillery fire?

Ponsonby and staff look to settle the matter on the Allied left.

Wellington, looking slightly fuzzy, looks on.  Lets face it, he was out
drinking and dancing the night before hadn't he?

The Union Brigade advance to try and settle the allied extreme left who are under intense pressure from the French.

Steadying the line...sturdy Scots and friends advance.

French columns hit the Dutch Belgians who, despite valiant efforts, fall back in disarray.

French everywhere move onwards towards the ridge line and victory.

27th Dutch Jagers prepare to make a stand.

Back at La Haye the woods are taken and the 2nd KGL Light battalion fights for every inch of ground.

French artillery continue to pound the allied lines.

Wellington looks on from under his tree, looking slightly worse for wear
due to artillery fire and slow curing pva white glue!

A French courier arrives in advance of Jacquinots Light Cavalry Division.  Help is on the way.
Here ends part two of the reporting of the day.

More to follow gentle folks later in the week.

Very best wishes.